About Harmattan

About Harmattan

Why We Exist

To holistically rejuvenate, recalibrate, and refocus an individual’s relationship with God inside of an authentic and growing community.

Harmattan is…

a place
a community
a mission
the story of harmattan

Support Us

Camp Harmattan is a not for profit organization. By supporting Camp Harmattan, you are helping us see hundreds of children, staff, and volunteers participate in summer camp programs.

At camp they hear about Jesus and enjoy everything that Camp has to offer. Your support sponsors students that can’t afford to come on their own, helps us provide meaningful and exciting activities, and literally helps to keep the lights on, the buildings standing up, and the grounds beautiful!  

Thank you for supporting Camp Harmattan!

Donate Now
Estate and Legacy Gift

Throughout October, special gatherings were held in Edmonton, Red Deer and Calgary to provide information about the current state of Camp Harmattan. These meetings also provided those in attendance with the opportunity to see a proposed vision for this beautiful property and life-changing ministry.

Please take a moment to watch this important presentation and respond. You will see links below to read responses to questions raised at the gatherings, make a donation or connect with the Camp Board to pose questions or provide feedback for consideration.

We encourage you to forward the link to others who may be interested.

Questions & Answers
Donate Now
Provide Feedback

The Team

Brock Priebe
Brock Priebe

Chair, Camp Harmattan Association

James Kirby
James Kirby

Facilities & site manager

Rebecca Ankers
Rebecca Ankers

Donor Care & HR


Driving Directions:

From Highway 2 you will take the Olds exit and head west through Olds on highway 27. Our camp is located about 15 minutes west of Olds on RR 40 (right turn).

The first sign for Camp Harmattan (on your left) will be for our Youth Side. You will pass through some gates and go down the hill.

For our Family Side please continue down the road until you see the second Camp Harmattan sign (also, on your left).

Google Maps
Apple Maps

Contact Us

Contact Us

Camp Harmattan

Mailing (and Civic) Address
(Updated by Canada Post in 2024):
10-33048 Range Road 40
Mountain View County AB  T4H 4C2

Phone: 403-556-2854
Email: info@campharmattan.com 

Follow Us on Social Media:


The Camp Harmattan Association Board of Directors operates as a Policy Governance Board. The Board provides insight, foresight, and oversight, operates under an established set of bylaws, and is responsible for developing and supporting the strategic plan, values, vision, mission, and objections of the organization. It also provides the outcomes expected from the Camp Management Team. This team executes on the strategic plan, and is responsible for achieving outcomes through the day-to-day operations of the camp.

The Camp Harmattan Association exists to demonstrate and proclaim God’s love in a non-discriminating way to children, youth, and adults through a safe camping community, providing opportunities for physical and spiritual development. Based upon the history and values of the sponsoring organization of the Canada West District Church of the Nazarene, the association provides a structure through which individuals can find a place for training, equipping, and skill development in camping programs and providing resources to help meet the needs of all who are served by the camp programs.Camp Harmattan is a not for profit organization. By supporting Camp Harmattan, you are helping us see hundreds of children, staff, and volunteers participate in summer camp programs.

Contact the board at campboard@campharmattan.

Last updated: Feb 2024
