The Camp Harmattan Association Board of Directors operates as a Policy Governance Board. The Board provides insight, foresight, and oversight, operates under an established set of bylaws, and is responsible for developing and supporting the strategic plan, values, vision, mission, and objections of the organization. It also provides the outcomes expected from the Camp Management Team. This team executes on the strategic plan, and is responsible for achieving outcomes through the day-to-day operations of the camp.
The Camp Harmattan Association exists to demonstrate and proclaim God’s love in a non-discriminating way to children, youth, and adults through a safe camping community, providing opportunities for physical and spiritual development. Based upon the history and values of the sponsoring organization of the Canada West District Church of the Nazarene, the association provides a structure through which individuals can find a place for training, equipping, and skill development in camping programs and providing resources to help meet the needs of all who are served by the camp programs.Camp Harmattan is a not for profit organization. By supporting Camp Harmattan, you are helping us see hundreds of children, staff, and volunteers participate in summer camp programs.
Contact the board at campboard@campharmattan.
Last updated: January 2024
Board Members
Chair: Brock Priebe
Directors: Jena Beagle (Secretary)
Sharlene Cunningham
Dale Perry
Jordan Priebe (Treasurer)
Dennis Semenyna
District Superintendent: Rose Brower-Young